Surge Care

Compassionate, Committed Healthcare Provider

Best Recruitment Consultants

Aim to deliver the highest standards of care

Cost effective and affordable charge rates
Why choose Surge Care?
Surge Care aims to offer the best service to all organisations utilising healthcare recruitment agencies. We have experienced and knowledgeable healthcare staff for diverse healthcare needs. Our staff recruitment policy puts emphasis on competencies, effective communication, commitment, reliability, individual qualities, experience, integrity, and professionalism. We value our staff by offering competitive pay rates.
We provide the right staff through a stringent and rigorous recruitment process. All our staff are DBS checked and we also prison clearance for Offender Healthcare. At Surge Care we have a dedicated compliance team that is trained to ensure the highest levels of safeguarding and compliance requirement needs.
This ensures that staff are selected for their qualities, reliability, integrity, experience, excellent communication skills and professionalism. Our Recruitment Consultants have a very good understanding and knowledge base to address all healthcare and social care recruitment needs.

Want to join our team?
- Compassionate and committed healthcare provider
- Competitive pay rates
- Dedicated Compliance Team
- Best Recruitment Consultants
- Long term partnership with our staff and clients
- Right staff, right skills, right placement
- On-going new skills and knowledge from working in variety of placements
Get in touch
We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, so don’t hesitate to give us a call any time.
Our core office hours are 9:00am – 6:00pm Monday – Friday, but we are on call out of hours for all your staffing needs.